Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mahbubur Rahman Sir

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sheikh Ahmedul Haque Kiron :: Vice president The Human Aid Foundation Bangladesh

Ahmedul Haque Kiron

About this man:
I am a simple man, but highly ambitious. so, please pray for me everyone as i can reach my goal...
I am emotional. I want my friends to have good character, honesty and personality... and I think in my life I deserve a bit of respect. Now the thing is those of you who love me, Love me just as I am, or try to understand me, but never misunderstand me.

He is the founder member and current vice president of The Human Aid Foundation Bangladesh.
Before joining here he had worked with many other non-profitable organizations.

Monday, October 15, 2012

India is taking away the © patent of Bangladeshi geographical indication product under strict confidential (Part 1)

India is taking away the patent of Jamdani Saree along with 66 other village heritage of Bangladesh under strict confidential. Jamdani will be known to this world as a heritage of India if that is successful. Then Bangladesh will have to pay an amount for producing the Jamdani saris.
Currently there are about 400 families related with the production of Jamdani and those are exported to about 108 countries. Through geographical indication products of Jamdani Sarees registration India will be able to earn 600 million Indian rupees every year.
Due to the inaction opportunity of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce as well as the government after Jamdani Saree the registration of Fajli mangos will be taken by neighboring countries. Already America has taken the geographical indication of Neem trees. And in future for producing these goods for commercial uses copyright Royalty will have to be given to the registered country.
Mean while India from April 2004 to 2009 has applied for 117 products as geographical indication product and within those 117 products there are Bangladeshi Nashikatha, Jamdani Saree and fajli mangoes.

to be continued …..

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bangladeshi worldwide (Part 1). World Famous Opera Singer " Monica Yunus "

Her identity can be the elder daughter of the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus.  But she has her own identity even before her father getting the Nobel Prize for Peace. She is none other than Monica Yunus. The world famous opera singer.

She was born in 1979 at the port city Chittagong Bangladesh, but was bought up in United States. From her childhood she had education in English beside Russian. But her grandmother played the vital role in building up her interest in music.
In the year of 2002 she had gained her masters degree in vocal performance from Julliard School. She has performed with many of the world's finest opera companies and music ensembles. Currently she is engaged in raising fund for human rights through “Sing For Hope ”.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Attack on the Buddhist in Ramu ( Part 2 )

বৌদ্ধপল্লী-বৌদ্ধমন্দিরে অগ্নিসংযোগ ও নাশকতার জন্য দায়ী বিএনপি সাংসদ লুৎফর রহমান কাজল এবং স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের কেন্দ্রীয় নেতা সাইমুম কমল

রামুর ঘটনা কোনো নিছক দুর্ঘটনা নয়, এই ঘটনা বহুদিন পূর্ব থেকেই রাজনৈতিক নেতারা লালন করে আসছে। আর সেই রাজনীত
ির নোংরা খেলার বলি হয়েছে নিরীহ বৌদ্ধ ধর্মাবলম্বীরা। এই ঘটনায় জ্বালানী দিয়েছেন দেশের দুইটি বড় রাজনৈতিক দল বিএনপির স্থানীয় সাংসদ ও আওয়ামী লীগ-এর স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের একজন কেন্দ্রীয় নেতা। আসুন এবার আমরা দেখি কি ঘটেছিলো সেখানে, কারাইবা দায়ী এই ঘটনার জন্য? কেনোইবা নিরব ছিলো পুলিশ প্রশাসন?
সরেজমিনে ঘুরে জানা যায়, এই ঘটনার জন্য দেশের দুইটি বড় রাজনৈতিক দলের শীর্ষ দুইজন নেতা দায়ী একজন বিরোধী দলের সাংসদ লুৎফর রহমান কাজল আরেকজন আওয়ামী লীগের একটি অঙ্গসংগঠন স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের কেন্দ্রীয় নেতা সাইমুম কমল। নির্ভরযোগ্য সূত্রমতে জানা যায়, বিএনপি সাংসদ লুৎফর রহমান কাজল আর স্বেচ্ছাসেবক লীগের কেন্দ্রীয় নেতা সাইমুম কমল-এর ইন্দনে এই নাশকতা ঘটানো হয়েছে। নির্ভরযোগ্য ওই সূত্রটি আরও জানান কিভাবে ঘটে ওই লোম-হর্ষক ঘটনা।
এই পৈশাচিকতার পূর্বমুহূর্তে কিছু উচ্ছৃঙ্খল যুবককে জিহাদের মর্মবাণী শুনিয়ে আসেন বিএনপির সাংসদ লুৎফর রহমান কাজল, এরপর বিএনপি-জামাতের নেতা-কর্মীরা বৌদ্ধপল্লী ও বৌদ্ধমন্দিরগুলোতে অগ্নিসংযোগ ও ভাংচুরে করতে থাকে, সাথে সহযোগীতা করতে থাকে সাইমুম কমল-এর অনুসারীরা।
এদিকে কক্সবাজার পুলিশ প্রশাসনের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগের আঙ্গুল তুলছেন মানবাধিকার সংগঠনগুলো। আমাদের আপডেট নিউজ-এর অনুসন্ধানে বেরিয়ে আসে পুলিশের নিরব থাকার মূল রহস্য। কক্সবাজার পুলিশ প্রশাসনের নাম প্রকাশে অনিচ্ছুক এক সদস্য বলেন, ‘যখন বৌদ্ধপল্লী ও মন্দিরগুলোতে হামলা ও অগ্নিসংযোগ হচ্ছে সেই মুহূর্তে আমরা সেখানে ফোর্স নিয়ে যেতে চাইলে এসপি স্যার বলেন এটা ধর্মীয় ইস্যু, রাজনৈতিক নেতারা বুঝবেন, আমাদের মাথা ঘামানোর কোনো দরকার নেই, স্যার আরো বলেন, বিএনপি সাংসদ কাজল ও স্বেচ্ছাসেক লীগ নেতা কমল-এর সাথে তার কথা হইছে তাদের লোকজন পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনবে।’
এছাড়াও একাধিক সূত্রমতে জানা যায়, মূল ঘটনা ঘটায় কাজল-কমল বাহিনীর সদস্যরা, আমরা এই বিষয়ে কথা বলতে চেষ্টা করি সাইমুম কমল-এর সাথে সাংবাদিক পরিচয় পেয়ে ফোন কেটে দেন তিনি। আর একাধিকবার বিএনপি সাংসদ লুতফর রহমান কাজলের ফোন দিলেও তিনি ফোন রিসিভ করেননি। আর পুলিশ প্রশাসনের নিরবতা প্রসঙ্গে জানতে চাইলে কক্সবাজারের পুলিশ সুপার কোনো কথা বলতে রাজি হননি।

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Attack on the Buddhist in Ramu ( Part 1 )

আজকে ইত্তেফাক পত্রিকায় প্রথম পৃষ্ঠায় দেখলাম রামুর ঘটনায় বাইরের ছেলেরা জডিত। বরং স্থানীয় মুসলমান ছেলেরা বৌদ্ধদের রক্ষা করেছে। ঐ বাইরের ছেলে গুলি অবশ্যই সরকারের একটা প্রচ্ছন্ন ছায়ায় রামুতে গিয়েছিল আর সেই জন্য কক্সবাজার থেকে মাত্র কয়েক কিলোমিটার দূরত্ব হওয়া সত্ত্বেও ৫ ঘন্টা পর পুলিশ বিডিআর ঘটনাস্থলে গিয়েছিল যেন বাংলাদেশ কে একটা জঙ্গী রাষ্ট্র হিসাবে প্রমাণ করে বিদেশের শ্রম বাজার পুরাপুরি ভারতের হাতে তুলে দেয়া যায়। সত্যিকথা বলতে কি RAW যা চাচ্ছে তাই এখন বাংলাদেশে হচ্ছে। আর বাংলাদেশের ইসলামী দল গুলি হিন্দু বৌদ্ধ খ্রিষ্টানদের সাতেও নাই পাঁচেও নাই।
বাংলাদেশের ঢাকার কাকরাইল মসজিদের পাশেই বাংলাদেশের খ্রিষ্টানদের প্রধান গীর্জা অবস্থিত যেইখানে আর্চবিশপ পর্যন্ত থাকেন। আর হাটহাজারী মাদ্রাসার সাথেই একদম লাগানো একটা বিরাট কালী মন্দির। সেইখানে প্রতিদিন উলু ধ্বনি উচ্চারিত হয়। কিন্তু কখনই হাটহাজারি মাদ্রাসার কেউ এই কালী মন্দিরে যেয়ে ঝামেলা করেনি। তো এই সব ঘটনা দ্বারা ভাল করেই বুঝা যায় যে আমরা মুসলমানরা কতটা বড় মনের অধিকারী।
বাংলাদেশে হিন্দুদের উপর আক্রমন করেছে সব সময় প্রভাবশালী লোকেরা। আর এই প্রভাবশালী লোকেরা আওয়ামী লীগ বিএনপি উভয় দলেই আছে। কখনোই কোন ইসলামী দলের নেতা কর্মী হিন্দুদের সাথে কোন ঝামেলায় যায় নাই। আর তাছাড়া বাংলাদেশের ইসলামী দল গুলির এখনো বলার মত ঐ রকম কোন সাংগঠনিক ভিত্তি হয় নি। এদের কাজ মূলত শহর ভিত্তিক। থানা উপজেলা গ্রামে রাজনীতি মানেই বিএনপি আওয়ামী লীগ। তাই গ্রাম এলাকায় কোন সাম্পদায়িক ঝামেলা হলে ইসলামী দলগুলিকে দোষ দেয়া কত টা যুক্তি সংগত আপনারাই বলেন???
বৌদ্ধমন্দিরে এবং বৌদ্ধ সম্প্রদায়ের বাড়িতে হামলা-ভাংচুর-অগ্নিসংযোগের সঙ্গে জড়িতদের গ্রেফতার ও দৃষ্টান্তমূলক শাস্তি দাবি করছি। এই দেশ শুধু মুসলমানের নয়। হিন্দু-বৌদ্ধ-খৃস্টান আদিবাসী সবার। একটি অসাম্প্রদায়িক বাংলাদেশের স্বপ্ন ছিলো আমাদের। কিছু ঘৃণ্য শিক্ষিত-অশিক্ষিত রাজনীতিবিদ এবং তাদের কিছু ততোধিক ঘৃণ্য শিক্ষিত-অশিক্ষিত সমর্থকের লোভ ও মস্তিষ্কহীনতার কারণে বারবার এদেশে সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি বিনষ্ট হয়েছে। বাংলাদেশে সকল নাগরিকের সমান অধিকার চাই। সকল ধর্মের মর্যাদাপূর্ণ সহঅবস্থান চাই।

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Volunteer for Bangladesh Volunteer for Bangladesh is a nation-wide association of Volunteer Action Groups that work for the betterment of their individual communities and the nation as a whole.
Developing an interdependent Bangladesh through volunteerism to achieve the nation’s highest potential

Empowering and facilitating volunteerism in Bangladesh to develop the nation by reallocating skills and resources to foster self-reliance and growth in every citizen.
Company Overview
Youth movements around the world are extensive, organized phenomena. These movements provide opportunities for youth, of any age, to put their feelings and ideals into action; to make an impact on the world around them by helping others and their nation and to form connections with other young people around the globe whose ideals match or build upon their own. Historically, youth movements have pl
ayed a monumental role in shaping the face of many civilizations.
Due to the lack of a proper platforms, young people of our country have rarely had the opportunity to raise their voice and commit to the welfare of the society in a non-political manner.

What if someone provided you with that platform? Would you care to speak up? The ideas that you have cherished for years; the dreams of yours that you believe could alter the face of our nation; the burning desire to bring forth positive change_ what if a stage is built where you could exercise all of these? Won’t you be a part of it?

Get ready to paint your imagination of a better Bangladesh. The youth movement you have been waiting for is knocking on the door…
Volunteer for Bangladesh is a nation-wide association of Volunteer Action Groups that work for the betterment of their individual communities and the nation as a whole.

Volunteer Action Groups are registered and approved volunteer bodies, who will work in a certain area or community. These Groups must maintain certain outlined criteria in respect to performance and activity. All of the Volunteer Action Groups of one community or area will be monitored by a local board, which will in turn be monitored by one single nation board. The boards are responsible for making sure that the Volunteer Action Groups perform adequately and are attentive to their duties.

Contact info

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Human Aid Foundation Bangladesh Closing ceremony, "Traffic Awareness Program 2012" with DMP (part-1)

The closing ceremony of " Traffic Awareness Program 2012 " organized by Dhaka Metropolitan Police on 21st July 2012 with The Human Aid Foundation was on 15th September 2012 at the conference hall of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Headquarter.
All the volunteers those who took part in the event were present there along with the guests and the board members of The Human Aid Foundation.
Guests were:
Barr. Mahbubur Rahman Jt. Commissioner DMP traffic
along with
Four Deputy Commissioners of DMP traffic.

to be continued ....

Saturday, September 8, 2012

President Physically-challanged Developement Foundation

Mizan was born in Sirajganj in 1987 and lived in Rajshahi in his adolescence. In 2009, he graduated from Jahangirnagar University (JU) in Savar with a B.A. in History. He continued his studentship at JU and received an M.A. in History (South Asia) on 2010. He is currently studying as a postgraduate in Business Administration in JU.

Mizan was introduced into the world of volunteering from his early life but more actively in 2007 when joining the JU Branch of the Leo Club, a society promoting community service. While he is a continuing member of the Club, he was inspired to expand his passion towards society welfare by the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in Savar, located not very far from the university campus. Under the mentoring of CRP’s founder and coordinator Sister Valerie Taylor, who has recently been awarded with an honorary doctorate degree in Health Sciences from York St. John University, Mizan founded the Physically-challenged Development Foundation (PDF) in 2008.

While having served as a volunteer for numerous social causes, the empowerment of persons with disabilities takes antecedence in Mizan’s professional life and identifies the path of his career. While establishing PDF throughout different institutions in the country, Mizan has worked as a Volunteer of Advocacy and Networking in CRP for two years. In 2011, he was promoted to Advocacy and Networking Officer in this leading rehabilitation and training centre for disabled persons in Bangladesh. Within the past four years, Mizan has worked earnestly to transform PDF from a minuscule 4-students university society into a nationwide body of talented young civil workers.

Mizan has a feasibly ambitious vision of promoting international human rights and peace movement. Social works – with concentrated involvement of the youth for ensuring the peace and security of people and eradication of corruption – shall always be a major concern for him. He ultimately aspires to work for an equal world by creating awareness about the disabled people and their rights.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

President The Human Aid Foundation Bangladesh

Sharon Rahman, the founder president of The Human Aid Foundation Bangladesh was born in Scotland and brought up in Canada. He came to Bangladesh with his family a few years back. He will be soon joining Harvard University for higher education, which includes major in French Literature and minor in Business.
He believes that youth have the potential and tendency to improve and change society and that's the main reason for The Human Aid Foundation to be established. At least to change a % of the society so that others will be inspired. It's not about the change in society but it's about changing towards our perception and Human Aid Foundation will hopefully be successful to be the base of this transformation.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Founder Jaago Foundation

Korvi Rakshand completed his schooling from Scholastica and then pursued higher education at University of London under one of its International Programmes for Distance Learning, from Bangladesh.
Earning his Bachelor's Degree in Law (LLB), he set out to devote his life to his country and its underprivileged population. Putting aside everyone's expectational pressures on his taking over the family business, Korvi got together with a few friends and gave life to his idea of a free of cost English Medium School in the form of a carpet, a black board, a box of chalks and a handful of local students, in 2007. Today, JAAGO is a well known youth-based organization with over 300 students, two branches and thousands of volunteers.

Non-profitable organizations in Bangladesh (III)

The Human Aid Foundation Bangladesh

THE HUMAN AID FOUNDATION (BANGLADESH) is a youth based volunteering organization. The specific foundation has been under development for about a year and with the adequate supplements we have now stepped in the heart of motherland. In a virtual sense it's lot more than anyone have expected. We are here for good and you all yourselves will be the honored evidence.

This foundation renders vital propaganda in the current trend that only determined souls can resolve. With this firm tide we have come here to energize and improvise civilization and extend humanity. Our vital priority is developing the standard of the society and that only can be achieved with education and a recommended health care.

One Degree Initiative

1° Initiative also known as 1dI is a non-profit youth organization run by students for promoting community service and motivating youth-led development in Bangladesh. We believe that even small changes that we make in individual lives can someday trigger much larger social developments. We want to make people smile, teach them to dream and make something more out of their lives.

Poverty Fighter Foundation

Poverty Fighters Foundation is a non-profit organization. Our primary goal is to eliminate poverty from Bangladesh by ensuring food, shelter, cloth and education to the underprivileged and providing them with pure water and medications. Our aim is to make some substantial changes instead of giving some temporary solutions. We aim to make the impoverished population self-reliant, so they can free themselves from the curse of poverty. Children are the future of the nation. Poverty Fighter Foundation works to provide English version education to the underprivileged children through a free of cost English medium school. Our dream is to open schools in every part of Bangladesh. A small contribution from us can help someone to a great extent. If we can change the life of a few, we will consider it as a great achievement.

Non-profitable organizations in Bangladesh (II)

Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative (BYEI) 

BYEI works to enlighten the next generation about the impending dangers of environmental challenges and to equip them with leadership skills, knowledge and ideas for a sustainable future.
The sole aim of BYEI is to engage the youth into facing the critical challenges that are wielded over our economy, environment and society and thus to build a strong leadership of our youth towards an economically and environmentally sustainable Bangladesh.

Youth of Bangladesh (Y.O.B)
is a platform where Youth has a different meaning.Founded in August 2011, Youth Of Bangladesh (Y.O.B) is one of the charitable and voluntary organizations of Bangladesh dedicated to changing the meaning and responsibilities of the Youth. Our team have 3 Founder Members and currently recruiting Coordinators, as well as General Members. Combined with all our knowledge and hard work, we have the ability to create a Better Bangladesh to live in.

Bangladesh Youth Volunteers (BYV)

BYV - is a Youth Volunteers Group formed by Young People of Bangladesh to help young people to reach their full potential by providing a platform , opportunities & resources with the collaboration of city stakeholders.
Bangladesh Youth Volunteers (BYV) is a youth leadership group formed by Bangladeshi Youths to help young people to reach their full potential by providing a platform, opportunities and resources with the collaboration of city stakeholders. In May 2012 BYV started with 08 youth members. They met every Friday afternoon at different location.

Non-profitable organizations in Bangladesh (I)

Non-profitable organizations in Bangladesh

JAAGO Foundation is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) that utilizes the immense youth potential and energy present in Bangladesh to help the impoverished community.  JAAGO aims to bring about substantial improvement in the lives of disadvantaged people with special emphasis on their literacy and nourishment.

Bangladesh Youth Forum (BYF)
“Voice of Youth…..”

“Voice of Youth…..” has always been epitomized by supremacy, allegiance, vigorousness and fortitude. Using these aptitudes of the fresh generations of Bangladesh, BYF (Bangladesh Youth Forum) has started its journey to build a better world through building a better nation; from November 03, 2010. By creating a constructive network; concerning the youth of Bangladesh, BYF works to raise social awareness amongst the citizens of this country and emphasizes on various problems of the society. BYF is a chapter of AYF (Asian Youth Forum International). The aims of the AYF are to promote international understanding, intercultural communication and leadership skills through the medium of English as an international-language. The forum itself is focused on 4 principles: Youth and Leadership Development, Language and Communications, Culture, and Social Issues. Being the only organization in Bangladesh; linked with as well as supported by the AYF, BYF is also based on those 4 principles.

“Physically-challenged Development Foundation” (PDF) is a voluntary & charitable organization dedicated to changing the lives of the disabled. It promotes Active citizenship and strongly believes in Youth especially Women Empowerment.

PDF is not only the name of a traditional organization; it is the name of a movement; A moral movement; A movement to find out if, in the extreme hustle and bustle of modern life, our hearts are still alive....

to be continued .....

Friday, August 31, 2012


Non-profitable organizations in Bangladesh.
There are many non-profitable organizations in Bangladesh. Our aim is to put up all of their works to the world. Like all other developed countries in Bangladesh also there are voluntary work going on. There are doing pretty good in it.